Sunday, November 23, 2008

Loretta Writer away from MAX by Marcel Frost

MAX Broadcasting and Loretta Writer go apart. Jan Slagter, chairman of the senior broadcaster, was surprised last week by the news that an animated feature writer had spoken, while with a burn-out home Saturday. "I understand that it says it inspreekwerk a therapeutic effect, I can not judge," says Slagter. "But we will now see how we split up, that is the commitment of our both. Loretta has also indicated that the situation is no longer workable. " Writer presented for the noon magazine MAX MAX & Loretta, but came home in August to sit down with a burn-out. Slagter: "In the weeks that we have numerous discussions with each other and lots of coffee and cakes eaten together, the program allowed me somewhat topical. Maybe it was the pressure of change too big for her?" Meanwhile, the program renamed in time for MAX, presented by Martine van Os and Sybrand Niessen. Loretta Writer worked in the past, including by RTL Nieuws. She was not reachable for comment.

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